30 June 2011

DESFire SAM AV2, NFC, N9, K Computer

Just "Activated" a DESFire SAM. ie converted it from AV1 to AV2
I can write keys to SAMs easily enough
but the commands to write keys to Cards are more obstruse
even with NXP's (confidential) Documents - hint... the documents occasionally have a "Standard" and also a "Worked Example"
which may contradict. Try the "Worked Example"

To write to Cards we tried to install the Collis Card Tool, but right now we appear to lack
Collis Conclusion Runtime Environment 2.1.2 -2.9.9
- Now thats why I like CDROM installs. People used to try to get Every Neccessary Thing on a CDROM...
first international NFC payments service is to go live this summer, Thierry Barba,...at Orange Group... GSMA's Mobile Money Summit in Singapore.

..Quick Tap NFC service, launched in the UK by Orange and Barclaycard last month will be able to use their NFC phones to make payments in Nice, the test site for the French Cityzi NFC project which is also backed by Orange. The French system is set for a nationwide commercial rollout of NFC services from the spring of 2012 and Orange expects to sell 500,000 NFC phones in France this year.

Nokia's N9 does NFC
MeeGo, the Linux-based open source operating system born from the February 2010 shotgun marriage of Nokia's Maemo and Intel's Moblin and left at the altar when Nokia hooked up with Windows Phone 7, is an "unstoppable force" that speeds device-developers' time-to-market..... MeeGo Conference in San Francisco on Monday by the executive director of The Linux Foundation Jim Zemlin

(local Store says they will have  GalaxySII 'soon" at ca $1,100)

The K Computer ....

Japan’s Riken Advanced Institute.. ..fastest supercomputers.
... peak 8.77 PFlop/s..sustained 8.2 PFlop/s [Peta = E15]

Previous: ..Tianhe-1.. November.. 4.7 PFlop/s, K does not use GPUs..It’s extremely difficult to exploit ..a GPU supercomputer.

K ... 68,544 2.0 GHz Fujitsu Sparc VIIIfx CPUs with 8 cores each, ..(548,352). Each core .. 16 (double-precision, DP) GFlop/s,.. slightly more than Intel.. Sandy Bridge..
45 nm chip .. 8 flop/clock/core.

8-core processor ...58 Watts.
currently 9.9 MWatts ..When finalized,... 10 PFlop/s ... 11 MWatts.
..human Brain .. 10 - 38 PFlop/s ... memory 3584 TB
we may be able to simulate a human brain next year or within 3 years.


16 June 2011

Java Distribution, SwingWorker

Java Distribution
OK one more time: Java Distro made easy:

if using Netbeans: (bad GUI IDE...)

Right click on the dist folder, send it to a compressed folder
this will put the lib directory in place with all your extra jars.

do NOT futz with classpath... it wont do any good Java is notorious for not finding jars,
and deceiving about CLASSPATH

put a batch file called fred.bat
java -jar fred.jar
in the dist directory before you zip it.

In my old age I am finally writing static libraries of common functions.
But I am not permitted to do static imports,which nicely hide the class names...
Java Swing is NOT threadsafe - beware the black screen, which only task manager can kill

You need a silly thing called SwingWorker if your gonna wait for a card etc...

void SAM() //Button action HOT Switching SAMs
    UID = "";
    tSAM.setText("Insert SAM ");
    if (cardTerms == null)
    initTerms(); // make a list of all teminals: java does this nicely   


    SwingWorker waitForSAM = new SwingWorker()
        public String doInBackground()
 tryAllTermsCL(true); // <<<< find a SAM on a NonNFC reader

// do as much SAM/Card dependent stuff as you can, here, inside the SwingWorker..                                                                

        if (this.isCancelled()) // ideally have a Cancel button
             exit return("can"); 
     while ( UID.length() < 2); 

         publish(UID); //publish an update, this will get added to a list and processed in bulk by the process() method at some point 
         Thread.sleep(150); // let a cancel in?? 
     catch (InterruptedException e) 
     @Override protected void process(List    chunks) 
         //System.out.println("\n process " + chunks);


        protected void done()
        } // done
    }; //waitForCard definition fin


// card wait stuff done here may cause black-screen.....


14 June 2011

HSM, NFC, GPU, Kindle Dash

I made a true triple DES key, loaded it into a HSM (software emulation)
It gave a correct KCV (encryption of 00..00) which had me fooled
But upon extraction (getKey) it gave a different result
Conclusion HSM double DES only!

Android 2.3.3 release, Google has added new capabilities for developers, including updates to the API ... that now allow for both reading and writing to standard NFC tags.
Dude..... its about more than tags
- we have a Nexus S in the office, it almost works for our reload app...
hope I can get some time to play with it (NZ1100?)

According to the Android Developers blog, some of the new features include:

A comprehensive NFC reader/writer API that lets apps read and write to almost any standard NFC tag in use today.
Advanced Intent dispatching that gives apps more control over how/when they are launched when an NFC tag comes into range.
Some limited support for peer-to-peer connection with other NFC devices.
For end users of NFC-enabled Android devices, what this means is that applications now have more control about how they are launched when an NFC tag is read. For example, apps could listen for specific tag content or tag technologies, and only launch when a match was made. Plus, applications running in the foreground could stop another app from launching upon the tag reading event, if need be.

The updated platform also provides a limited peer-to-peer communication protocol
NFC-A (ISO 14443-3A)
• NFC-B (ISO 14443-3B)
• NFC-F (JIS 6319-4)
• NFC-V (ISO 15693)
• ISO-DEP (ISO 14443-4)
• Mifare Classic
• Mifare Ultralight
NFC Forum NDEF tags


.Graphics Processing Unit  for cracking passwords..the GPU produces the correct password in a fraction of the time. On a Windows machine he pitted the Cain password recovery tool which uses the CPU for its calculations against ighashgpu which uses ATI or Nvidia graphics cards to do the deed. Hands down ighashgpu is the fastest; with Cain taking about one year to crack an eight character password while ighashgpu can do it in under nineteen hours.

GPGPU computing ... doing general calculations on graphic cards (GPUs) rather than CPUs. ... GPUs ... rendering frames .... people started realizing that GPUs are far more efficient at handling highly parallel tasks ... GPUs are used to speed up video conversion, video processing, doing scientific calculations, folding and password hash cracking.

how many passwords the GPU has churned out per second. Dude, it’s 3.334 billion passwords.


Kindle seems nifty. But : dash it!
lunascafe typography-is-about-reading-and-so-are