28 February 2012

Security Misc.

Some Security items:

Redphone 0.4 removed from AndroidApps, beta may be available..

Redphone uses ZRTP, Diffie-Hellman key exchange and the Secure Real-time Transport Protocol (SRTP) for encryption.
..ZRTP designed by Phillip Zimmerman, the inventor of PGP

Download free from Android market
RedPhone 0.4

That app seems to be not longer available on Android Market.

..need someone to call, join #whispersystems on irc.freenode.net

Airport woes

Moxie Marlinspike, was met by two U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents at the door of his plane when he arrived at JFK airport on a Jet Blue flight from the Dominican Republic. ..held him for 4 1/2 hours,..seized Marlinspike’s laptop and two cellphones, and asked for his passwords..

Marlinspike refused, and the devices were later returned to him.

“I can’t trust any of these devices now,”.. “They could have modified the hardware or installed new keyboard firmware.”

Marlinspike gained attention last year at the Black Hat security conference in Las Vegas when he revealed a serious vulnerability in how internet browsers verify digital security certificates. ..He released two free tools that would help an attacker conduct such an attack.

Three months later, PayPal froze his account

.....ticket agents, .. were blocked from producing a boarding pass for him without first calling .. Department of Homeland Security. Secure Flight .....

security researcher Jake Appelbaum, was detained in July at a New Jersey airport,..on his way to the DefCon hacker conference ..a U.S. rep for WikiLeaks, was questioned ..three-hour period about WikiLeaks,..Julian Assange and Appelbaum’s opinion about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

...David House was met by U.S. customs agents as he deplaned earlier this month at Chicago’s O’Hare ..from Mexico....had his laptop seized

..House helped set up the Bradley Manning Support Network, ..


5 for SMS

whispersys has no downloads .. just points to Android MArket

Beta may be here try

Phones on which beta may work



Code signing FAQs available at:
- Hey lets send Shuttleworth into space AGAIN (just kidding, and thanks for all the Ubuntu)


Slow trains?
Australian firm Sequoia Smart Solutions [Freemantle?] €5m for designing the smart- card system. (not a huge amount?)
Leap card, 10 years late and €26m over budget.( sounds fairly typical)

It allows Dublin commuters to top up on credit in advance and then swipe it for cheaper fares on trains, buses and trams.  (this is a feature, , surely, not a bug)

..Irish Independent reveal for the first time how a host of companies benefited from repeated delays in the project, which pushed costs up from €29.6m to €55.4m. (the ii article reveals typical incompetence, not malicious delaying??)

AdMob, Mobclix, InMobi, etc. can pillage all sorts of information from unsuspecting users. Users will blame you, not the advertising company

Stuxnet video
digitalbond   c/o Bruce Schneier schneier
Some Security puff :
The BIG-IP Edge Client app provides not only full SSL VPN access from iPhones and

Center for Information Security (http://www.cisecurity.org) offers
a multipoint checklist that includes implementing Network Intrusion Detection.. load-balancing/failover to combat
Denial of Service or shutdown...sterilize WHOIS records of personal information that can be used for social
engineering ..Open Web Applications Security Project’s (OWASP –
http://www.owasp.org) AppSec tutorial series ..hardening Apache. M.. http://xianshield.org/guides/apache2.0guide.html).
..separate partitions for binaries, html documents and logs, ..
Apache in its own, nonprivileged group (i.e. not nobody), removing its shell and locking its login.


Certificate and Schlumberger Cryptoflex PKI card

re Schlumberger Cryptoflex PKI card
We have the CHVS, its all good.
BTW dont read the public key, do the correct thing and read the certificate, then get the public key from the certificate.
And to send the certificate, dont use certificate.toString
as the helpful forums.oracle say
.."Don't do that. Use the getEncoded() method, and at the receiving end feed that to a CertificateFactory. Depending on your transport you might also need base64-encoding."
Just to complete the story: to get a certificate back from encoded byte array:

ByteArrayInputStream bisb = new ByteArrayInputStream(encodedBytes);
CertificateFactory cfb = CertificateFactory.getInstance("X.509");
X509Certificate certb = (X509Certificate)cfb.generateCertificate(bisb);
print(" X509 back again " + certb.getSigAlgName() );

and the base64 stuff:

To convert X509 certificate to base64 string:

byte[] bCert = certificate.getEncoded();
String sCert = javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter.printBase64Binary(bcert);
And to convert back:
String sCert = XML extract the X509Certificate object...
byte[] bencoded = javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter.parseBase64Binary(sCert); // Converts the string argument into an array of bytes.

02 February 2012

Schlumberger Smart Card Toolkit

Schlumberger Smart Card Toolkit

Where is the toolkit?
Google search just brings up a bunch of damned fool intermediate sites,
such as 'software.informer' - blatent parasites on the information body


01 February 2012

Cryptoflex AAK

Schlumberger Cryptoflex PKI card
( probably 32K e-Gate)
the documentation is available at

... mentions a transpoprt key AAK 2C15E526E93E8A19

suggests the Cryptoflex
Initial Application authorization key (AAK), also called the transport key:2C15E526E93E8A19
will also act as CHV1 (User Authorisation key)

I used one attempt and got a fail with this key
[the "attempts remaining" byte went from hex 83 to hex 82]

so I await the (mystery) supplier of this card to supply me with a good CHV1

Files, such the RSA public key files, dont appear to report their lengths,
or key sizes, So I guess I'll trial& error from 2048 down...
