tamed the C_MAC
Authenticated Host <-> Card
Secure Session established
(only 1 card Terminated due to 10 bad tries)
This is the output:
PC/SC terminal OMNIKEY CardMan 5x21-CL 0... wait 5 PC/SC card in OMNIKEY CardMan 5x21-CL 0, protocol T=1, state OK assigned to Card
Card Manager 6F658...
-> init_update 80500000085B74845D1FFCCE89
<- card response 00009235001489950936FF020023470BDAF18E9C76C016B156A0D544
Key_info FF02
Card_seq 0023
Card_challenge 470BDAF18E9C
Card_cryptogram 76C016B156A0D544
Sess_enc 5B49746D3E3E88290E51AC62AC2E46A3
Sess_DEK 2BEF4B5837C13BE7B69CF5EF584D9CB5
Card Cryptogram matched true at 32
Host cryptogram before ENC 0023470BDAF18E9C5B74845D1FFCCE898000000000000000
C_MAC 3126F78398CCB68D
-> external_authenticate 84820300106531817D2E170FAD3126F78398CCB68D
Secure Session Established
Using javax.smartcardio with ERACOM/Cryptoki
Eracom emerged from QUT (Queensland University of Technology), late 80's
Prof Bill Caelli and Prof Jennifer Seberry (Wollongong) ran a couple of good AusCrypts 88 & 92
I Spoke denigrating Montgomery Multiplication, which obviously kicks in somewhere past a few thousand bits.
Found a Fourier Transform multiplication which claimed to kick in at 950 bits