31 October 2010

Bling Tag, Passport country

Bling Tag - dont lose your phone.

nearfieldcommunicationsworld       bling nation
Bling Tag, .. an NFC-enabled sticker that you stick to the back of your mobile phone. .. you don’t need any identification.. paying with Bling is as simple as tapping your phone onto a merchant’s Bling Box.

..downtown Palo Alto.. Bling Tags available at a few local shops. The Tag itself is free ..Just stick the Tag to your phone and you’re halfway done.
The first time you pay for goods at participating merchants, you’ll need to jump through one additional hoop .. When checking out at the cashier, simply tap the Tag on the Bling Box..The cashier will ask you for your phone number and use that to authorize the purchase. ..The verification code is only required on your initial purchase,..
....any phone that can accept SMS text message will work just fine.

The Bling Tag is tied to your credit card...  Bling is offering a $20 credit to first time users...

Business Model
Wences Casares, house in Chile
Bling targets a small community which has a decent..financial asset size, and which is served primarily by local community banks. They sign up one or more of the banks, and an assortment of frequently-visited local merchant
Bling looks like a foreign ATM to the bank. Settlement in batch is done at night, between Bling and the banks, as a private, not network, settlement. The merchant doesn’t have to submit any clearing transactions – as long as they got the Blinger confirmation, they know their account will be credited that day.

The pitch to merchants is primarily cost – transactions are about 50% cheaper than traditional card acceptance.

In low crime-areas you may see people sitting at outdoor cafe tables with their cellphones on the table.
Not Where snatchers are (most of the world?)

NFC card
The new device is the shape of a thick (3.9mm) bank card and can be used to display and store coupons, tickets, prepaid funds, adverts and membership of loyalty programmes — without the need for a mobile network connection. It includes a 2.2inch 320 by 240 pixel colour liquid crystal display and control keys that enable the user to switch between a number of screens. The device is fully NFC compliant and is compatible with ISO 14443 Type A and B contactless card systems as well as Sony's FeliCa technology.
via   0x9000.blogspot
Sort fast

Gusfield, Dan (1999), Algorithms on Strings, Sequences and Trees. Cambridge: University Press.
the Boyer-Moore string search algorithm, invented by Bob Boyer and J Strother Moore in 1977, in a variant devised by Nigel Horspool.
Java implementation
...open source Java Cardimplementation of the passport we provide at
..we can remotely detect the presence of a passport of a particular
Books ... on refactoring

com forrst
I liked "Implementation Patterns" better. (
Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture
java build sorry state
safaribooksonline $36.50 /month
C# how to throw
var r = new RethrowProperly();
catch (DivideByZeroException ex)
Now the call stack points directly at the line of code in DoSomething where the calculation is done.
Bit Hack #4. Unset the n-th bit.
y = x & ~(1<<n)

Security threat?
(i have not understood nor investigated this press clippping)


a universal Padding Oracle affecting every ASP.NET web application," Rizzo explains. "In short, you can decrypt cookies, view states, form authentication tickets, membership password, user data, and anything else encrypted using the framework's API.

"The vulnerabilities exploited affect the framework used by 25 per cent of the internet websites. The impact of the attack depends on the applications installed on the server, from information disclosure to total system compromise," he adds.

More details of the security weakness are due to be outlined at a presentation during the Ekoparty conference in Argentina this week.

Rizzo told threatpost that the attack might be exploited to allow a "moderately skilled attacker" to break into a website in an hour or less.

"The first stage of the attack takes a few thousand requests, but once it succeeds and the attacker gets the secret keys, it's totally stealthy. The cryptographic knowledge required is very basic," Rizzo said. ® via code project
South Korea CL NFC
Indeed, as the RPA starts its rollout of an integrated ticketing system here, TFL will begin to make the Oyster system redundant in London. From next year customers will be able to pay onto buses and trains directly with their contactless credit or debit cards, cutting out the need for an integrated system in between.

Sad day.
Sun Forums have been replaced by Oracle.

Sun forums were a great learning place, well attended, with serious answers
part of a radical re-make of the work/learning experience of C21
I cant overstate the importance of this and other forums. Enabling me to teach myself Java, Database, X.509, SSL, etc etc
The readiness of others to reply, sometimes in a gruff manner (rtfm) was continually amazing

update: today 1Nov2010 Oracle forums look fine
is this true?
It seems that ther is no carry-over, old topics from Sun are not indexed.
no search result for SSH jsch
"secure Sockets" does turn up a couple of rambling requests dating post 25Sep2010

on Sun, I got called a Zombie occasionally.
Because I found an old thread, usually via Google. Sometimes these old threads contained answers. Sometimes I was guilty of waking the zombie, but other google users sometimes arrived.
Sun had zombie-watchers who seemed to prowl the forums seeking to 'lock' any thread awakened by zombies.
Understandable from a neat-and-tidy perspective, but actually hindering me in searching for solutions.
The issue is moot now...

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