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"rich as Croesus"
either very fine powder of the gold straight from the mines, or else get bigger pieces of old gold and hammer it out into very thin sheets - a bit like the old-fashioned cigarette papers - and then put these in a pot along with common salt, that's sodium chloride. And then heat that in a furnace to about 800 degrees centigrade, and ultimately you are left with pretty pure gold."
So the Lydians learned how to make pure gold coins. But no less importantly, they then employed craftsmen to stamp on them symbols indicating their weight, and thus their value. These first coins have no writing on them - dates and inscriptions on coins were to come much later - but archaeological evidence allows us to date our coins to around 550 BC, so the middle of Croesus's reign.
Gold Coin of Croesus, Kig of Lydia 550BC Turkey
- Once cards send money to each other, the reign of Croesus is finally over
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